Privacy Policy

Hello, and welcome to the privacy policy of Vblink Club. We summarize our website policies to understand and familiarize yourself with the policy terms. You have the right to know how we collect, protect, and use visitor data.

Policy Terms:

By visiting our website, you agree with the outlined policy terms we have enlisted here.

Information Collection:

First of all, we never collect any personal data of viewers. Conversely, we secure the network and browsing by collecting users’ IP addresses and browser user strings for spam detection. We don’t collect any data and share it with other 3rd parties. However, we are allowing your feedback on our blog, which other visitors can also see.Information Usage:

Indeed, we are not collecting any personal information. Thus, all we share is your comments on our website. However, we are not responsible for the information you share with the third party on the application. As we are not the sole developers of the application, you need to read the policy terms of the service provider as well.

Information Protection:

We always ensure you are browsing on a safe and secure site. It is done through Secure Servers, SSL Encryption, and restricted access to confidential information. Indeed, there is no collection of personal information; you are safe and on our side. 

Money or Crypto:

All the information you will read on this website is free of cost. Moreover, downloading apps for Android and IOS is also free. Which means we don’t ask for any money or crypto payments.

Third-Party Websites:

We are 3 party apps with no privacy policy related to the App. Therefore, you need to agree to the terms and conditions of the apps you will use. However, we do not have any links to the apps you are using.

Changes to the Policy Terms:

We have the right to make changes in these policy terms. Thus, visitors must visit repeatedly to keep themselves updated with the changes. Indeed, visitors accept the privacy terms by visiting our site. 

Embedded Content on the Website:

Any embedded content used on our site acts like you have visited the other site. This content would be videos, images, articles, etc. It may collect your data, send cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction. 

How Long will we retain your data?

We are only concerned with the comments that you make on our site. Thus, the comment and metadata are retained indefinitely. We also check for the follow-up comments so they are not in the queue for moderation.